BenidormSky apartments

Information for property owners

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Travellers are influenced by reviews online

Good reviews and high rates, turn into more occupancy and higher price per night
This is the reason why at benidormsky, we focus on guests' satisfaction

 How do we do it?

  • We welcome the guests personally, in the apartment (not in a distant office).
  • We are available 24 hours for any problem or emergency.
  • Cleanliness is our obsession.
  • Each guest has different needs, which is why we are extremely flexible.
  • We leave them a guide with everything they need to know about the apartment, Benidorm, and the surroundings.
  • We respond quickly to any doubt or question (before, during and after the stay).
  • We have some details with guests upon arrival.
  • etc...

Our goal is to maximize the profitability of your house, so our priority is the satisfaction of our guests.
 Contact us to know more:

Your empty house only generates expenses:

Fixed expenses
Community fees 800 €
IBI (property tax) 600 €
Water services 120 €
Garbage collection 120 €
Electricity 350 €
Internet 400 €
Home insurance 300 €
Cleaning 200 €
TOTAL: 2.890 €
By renting it with BenidormSky, you cover annual fixed expenses and earn additional income.

Sleep better - We take care of everything

Welcome! See you soon!

24h key delivery service. At checkout, we make sure that everything is in order. We collect and release damage deposit.

First impression counts

We create the best listing profile of your home and differentiate it from the rest. Photo shot included.

Your apartment exists!

We publish your property on more than 200 websites. Synchronized in real time with our database.

It smells clean

We provide bedding for your bedrooms and towels for your bathrooms. All the linen in top quality.

Always perfect

Apartment is cleaned and disinfected every time a checkout is done. Guests get an excellent first impression.

No problem. It works now

We repair any breakdowns, so that your house is set and ready at all times.


We advise you on legal regulations. We help you in obtaining the licenses so that everything is in order.

You make money

We handle the collection of advance payments, and pay you the amount for the bookings we have managed.

our partners

Request more information

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